How to increase perfomance on a PC

Hey everybody, welcome back to another edition of Ask PC 911 where you get to ask the questions and we give you some helpful answers. And question of the day is – how can I increase performance on my computer, PC, laptop, desktop what have you? Several different ways. I am going to break it up in different videos as far as different ways to do that. Let’s start with the simplest way to increase performance.

Now, I am going to presume that the operating system is functioning properly and you don’t have viruses etc. Obviously that’s going to affect your performance. But if your computer is just working normally and you want to give it a boost the simplest way generally speaking is going to be RAM. The RAM – Random Access Memory not to be confused with hard drive. Remember when you are looking at a computer you are going to see a lower number of gigabytes saying 4, 2, 8 gigabytes and it is going to say RAM, that’s your Random Access.

CPU is still an important upgrade

That’s used in conjunction with a processor pretty much to run everything. Let me try to give you a simple explanation. So it is important. Remember we spoke on a previous edition of what is the single most important factor and I mentioned that in my opinion that’s the CPU. That’s the engine. I guess we can call this maybe if we were going to use the word engine maybe we would call this the transmission. So minimum nowadays I would say you want to go the least 4 gigabytes of RAM. That’s pretty standard and generally speaking unless you have a really tight Ultra Book or if you have some specialty laptop or maybe a transporter board or something.

You know like a [1:43] or something may not be able to upgrade it but 80% of your laptops that came with 4 GB you are going to boost them up to 6 or 8 GB. So that’s the simplest best bank for your buck kind of upgrade.

How to find your model number

Now you may want to take a look and see on your unit. Sometime you have a little kind of cover it just comes right off. For those units maybe a simple do it yourself kind of scenario. Pretty simple way would be just to YouTube or Google your model. Then just put upgrade RAM at the end of the serach. There is going to be somebody on YouTube who already made a video for it. So you can take a look at that, if you got to take the back cover off some of the newer units some of the whole back covers are completely sealed.

You probably don’t want to get into that and you may want to do a little research in advance of if you do got you know upgradeable chips of RAM. I’d probably recommend going to that have a scanner there that will actually scan your computer and tell you what you have and what are your upgrade options whether you buy it from them or not.

A good tech shop like ours is your safest bet

So that is probably a resource as well and these are obviously do it yourself resources. Frankly if you don’t want to mess with none of that which I suggest unless you are really techy you just don’t want to mess with it. Just find yourself obviously you can come see us that’s a given but if not find yourself a good tech shop you big bucks, small bucks, a friend what have you. It’s a simple, pretty simple and will give you great bank for your bucks. So, simplest bank for your bucks upgrade for your computer for performance…upgrade your RAM.

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