Making the payment

So we went ahead and made the payment. What they give you here is send 2.2 bit coin to this address. We get that long name, we set that from our account. Then it gives you a receipt number a super long number. We put that in here and we click pay. This is the actual kind of receipt of the drive type bit coin. And I guess that it is going to be in an a pending status. I’m kind of interesting how this works. Apparently this is a part that I didn’t notice I guess you can send in several payment and what have you. Payment has been sent and then we are just going to wait for this to update and see what happens from there. Hopefully whatever software key or whatever it is that they send us back to de-crypt is going to work out.

So apparently this is a part that I didn’t notice I guess you can send in several payment and what have you. So this is where we are at, payment has been sent and then we are just going to wait for this to update and see what happens from there. Hopefully whatever software key or whatever it is that they send us back to de-crypt is going to work out. So I will give an update in a few