Reset Password with Apple Keychain

Hey guys. Want to show you a video here on how to change your password on a Mac this is something fairly common and it is kind of simple. If you follow these steps. So here we go might be a long video so we will probably have to stop it a couple times. Bear with us if you have a password to be recovered. This is the video that is going to show you how to do it. We are right here in current user which is at PC911 we are going to log out of here. So in this case you forgot your password, you can’t log in, we are going to do a restart.

You are going to hold down your option key as it restarts, you are going to get your hard drive and you are going to get this recovery partition right here, you are going to click on that recovery partition. It’s going to bring you to this utility screen. You’re going to come up here to the top. Utilities and then you are going to go the terminal and you are going to type here something very difficult, reset password.  And here we are reset password very simple. Enter and you are going to get this screen right here.

Continue the process

Drawback and we are going to get this screen here you are going to click on your hard drive, you’re going to pull up your user we are using the user PC911 and this is another user that is on the account. So we are going to pull up that user and we are going to enter the new password here. So I am going to put 123 and you’re going to save. You should get a warning and you’re done we are going to restart, go back into the boot screen.

So here we are this is the user. I am going to put in my old password and it does not work which was pc911. Now we use the new password 123 and that one is going to work. Now this is the part that gets tricky if you don’t clear this keychain up. Its going to be popping up and it is going to drive you kind of crazy. So I’m going to show you know how to clear the keychain. The keychain is where all your passwords from your social accounts. Everything from online, pretty much all your passwords are stored in this keychain.

The security explaination continued

So this forces you to delete or basically create a keychain, it’s a security feature so that someone doesn’t change your password and not going to login to all your accounts etc. So, here just continue login and you’re going to get these messages about the keychain, I’m going to show you how you’re going to get rid of that.

You are going to go to your finder. Actually go into finder. You’re going to click go and while that is opened. You click option that’s going to make this library up here. It’s in a folder. You press that and it makes the library appear. Click on the library here I like to just put these in file order. You are going to go down here to your keychains . You are going to delete these right here.

Move to trash as simple as that.Then the tricky part here is you got to restart your computer. And that’s where we spent a couple of hours trying to figure this out. If you continue along there it will still give you errors and errors and it will still keep popping up and drive you nuts. So let’s see if this actually works.

To conclude

So here we are back to our account . If everything went well and you followed those simple directions.  You should not see any more pop ups for your keychain. Keychain  is reset.  And as you go to your new accounts. It will start adding them to that keychain file. As simple as that, how to reset your password and clear your keychain, thanks for watching.

Updating your passwords is vital in protecting your machine from a virus. See what is involved should you get malware