Hey everybody, welcome back

I want to show you a way where when you are trying to clean your computer you actually might re-infect it. I haven’t seen this in a while but thought I would take advantage of showing you this. Here we are doing an un-installation of a junk program down here Virtual Kingdom. Basically when we go to do the uninstall what we get I going to make this. We get this here which is clean your PC and here it says uninstall. But then it says and get reimage which would mean it would uninstall and reinstall this other program. And it’s really you don’t know where to click unless you look way down here – just uninstall.

I know this is not the clearest picture but

Right there in the center (see if I can my mouse to you) that’s how this is going to get uninstalled without reinstalling something else. Now this is not considered because it does have that little tiny link down there. You can barely see theoretically it is not considered malware because it has a proper way of installation. So this is one of the huge problems with all this add ware, free ware, junk ware. So even if you go to your programs and uninstall make sure you read every little detail when you are doing an uninstall. And sorry for the crappy video but it’s a tiny little netbook but I did want to show you that. I have not seen that in a while but I know that’s happening out there a lot so thanks for watching.

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