Hey welcome back everybody to what’s going on at PC 911

Today I want to show you an old XP desktop that basically almost infected our computers here. This is a business computer. It’s not even connected to the Internet but from back in the day it still has viruses. Actually, in this case, these WORMS that you can see there. The old fashion way of viruses getting around is they would hop from flash drive to flash drive. This was before the Internet and that is basically what happened. Here we were cleaning up this computer up, updating it and it got on one of our flash drives. The one way we kind of notice is when we went to another computer with that flash drive we immediately got alerted that there was a virus on there.

So just want to give everybody heads up

Number one that is why you need a good anti-virus to catch that and although most viruses are now travelling via the Internet. There still are viruses that are you know transferring through flash drives. Now if we didn’t have a anti-virus on these computers this would just sit there and wreck havoc or do whatever it’s doing. So that’s it on what’s going on over here we are cleaning up old computer with ancient viruses still stuck in it. This is Kaspersky which is our recommended anti-virus so catch you in our next video, thanks for watching.

Tired of dealing with viruses and malware? See how we can virus proof your computer!