A system that crashed after updating

Hey everybody, welcome back to PC 911. What you are seeing here is a super, nice, awesome, high end Asus republic of gamer’s desktop. It’s beautiful, it’s fast, it’s expensive, it’s awesome but guess what happened to it? Windows 10 update crashed it. No matter how strong, how fast, how awesome your computer is the wrong update on the wrong computer at the wrong time is going to knock your computer out. So we are going to try on getting this to correct itself. After several different attempts we are going to wind up doing a recovery. The recover the data an just start it from scratch from Windows 8.

So again, that is why I am telling everybody out there wait awhile. And this is, I haven’t done videos on every single one. This just came in and yesterday I spoke to a friend of mine who does full time tech support over the phone, him himself personally gets between 3 and 5 calls per day on an 8 hour shift for a crashed Windows 10. So hold your horses it is going to be awesome but let everybody else go through some headaches and save yourself the trouble. If you do run into trouble though no problem we are here at PC 911.

Is Windows giving you a hard time? Take a look at our Windows 10 Setup Tips!